
Summer Health and Wellness Goals for a Healthy You.

Health and wellness goals are one of the best ideas to get started on your road to a healthier you.  There is never a better time than summer to really push yourself to feel better, look better and have more energy.  Instead of setting goals that you may or may not achieve — try to set a health and wellness goal.   The wellness goal is action oriented and something that allows you to actually change your lifestyle and your life.

How to get started on your Summer Health and Wellness Goals:


  • Decide on a goal (What do you want your health and wellness goal to be)
  • Make it a reasonable goal  (Please…quitting smoking or losing 50 pounds is not easy.  Don’t set yourself up for failure.)
  • Be specific in what your goal is and write it down (Written goals are achieved because you see it, believe it and make it happen.  Write the goal on your bathroom mirror so that you see it every day)
  • Have the goal be action oriented (Make the goal something you have to take action.  For example, to lose 50 pounds I need to start a low glycemic diet and start walking 4 times a week)  (Another goal might be, I would like to be healthier, so I will eliminate dairy and sugar from my diet)

Other Good Stuff

  • Set a time frame to achieve your goal (You can quit smoking in 1 day, but it takes 12 weeks at least to make it stick.  As well, you can lose 50 pounds, but it will take 12 weeks.  Make your time frame realistic.)
  • Laugh & Love & ACTION. (This world is so defined by stress and fear, that we forget to enjoy the small things.  Be sure to enjoy your health and wellness journey and don’t fear failure.  Failure is the key to success, because you learn from it.)
  • A Day at Our Spa

Once you have achieved your first goal, you can advance and add a new goal.  Each time you set new health and wellness goal for yourself, the next one could be little harder to achieve.  This will give you the ability to challenge yourself a little more for each new goal. Writing down your wellness goals is important because it makes it more definite.   It helps you to really get your wellness goal in motion.

What is your health and wellness goal going to be?  Reduce stress? Lose weight? Relax? Look to create balance and don’t forget to smell the roses.

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