
Five Tips For Self-Improvement: Compliment Your Mirror Day

July 3rd is Compliment Your Mirror Day. So, what could be better than picking out some things we want to improve about ourselves when we look in the mirror?  What do you want to improve?  Health, Skin, Weight, Makeup, Stress?  The list could be endless, but here are a few to get you started.

Five Tips For Self-Improvement on Compliment Your Mirror Day

  1. Health. Evaluate your health and focus on preventative wellness.  Take charge of your health.  Are you looking at what you are eating?  Do you think you are eating well?
  2. Body Fat. Do the Yikes and step on a scale that measures body fat.  I like the Tanita scale because it measures fat %.  Now this is a moment of truth because you can be skinny and have too much fat (Really).  If your fat percentage is over 30%, you need to take charge of your weight.
  3. Skin. Take a look in the mirror, because it is Compliment Your Mirror Day.  Will you compliment yourself or criticize?  Does your skin look healthy?  Have you had a facial or exfoliated or masked?  If not, now is the month to change your skin health.  It also helps that you have great nutrition, but if not, try to at least give yourself a professional skin treatment at home.
  4. Makeup. Does your makeup need an update?  When was the last time you updated your makeup?  If you say 6 months to 1 year, it’s time to update your look.  Go have a touch up makeover, it makes you feel like a million dollars.
  5. Stress. Stress can wreak havoc on any one, but only you are in control of how you handle stress.  If you don’t do well with a lot of stress, you have to have daily avenues to release stress.  It could be meditation, laughing, prayer, massage, reading, or something that gives you the ability to take a deep breath.  Whatever you chose, you need to make sure that you don’t miss that daily stress-reliever.

Self-improvement is just that, making a better you and there is not a better day to get started than Compliment Your Mirror Day.   The beautiful part of self-improvement is that is doesn’t matter how young you are or how old you are, it’s never to late to improve yourself.

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