
Celebrate WORLD HEALTH DAY | Start With YOU!

As we celebrate World Health Day, it’s a reminder to celebrate your health. You can have everything in the world but without good health, it’s just not the same.

8 Ways to Celebrate WORLD HEALTH DAY

Here are 8 ways from Bella Reina Spa to celebrate your health and it’s never to late to start today.

  • FRESH AIR – Step outside and breathe hopefully fresh air! Here in Florida, the weather has started to get warmer, the grass is growing faster and it’s time to start taking early morning or late evening walks.
  • VEGETABLES – Try eating more vegetables. Yes the green ones! The new Bedner’s Market in East Delray has organic pea sprouts and gorgeous Black Kale. Yes, the darker green leafy vegetables are better for you. Yes, pea sprouts have microorganisms that help with gut health.  The more vegetables you eat, the better your health!
  • WATER 2 LITERS A DAY – Water makes up over 70% of your body, so drink up! At the spa, we celebrate World Health Day every day by serving alkaline water with Pure Inventions antioxidant fruit extracts. It makes you drink more water and it tastes amazing!
  • FRUIT – Yes, fruit is the sugar of the world! No need for white sugar, maybe a piece of dark chocolate. But fruit is amazing! Think blueberries, clementine organges, strawberries and pomogranates. 2-3 pieces of fruit a day!
  • FITNESS – What a better way to celebrate World Health Day than to work out. Start slowly if you haven’t worked out in awhile and grab a buddy. Once you find out how much energy it gives you, you start to love it. (maybe not running so much!) Find something you will love! Yoga, KickBoxing, Walking, Pickleball, Paddleboarding.  There are so many activities for getting yourself on the move!
  • GREEN TEA – Nothing better than green tea. Swap out the coffee for some organic green tea. Start replacing every other cup and before you know it, you will become healthier just from lowering your caffeine and increasing your antioxidants.
  • CHILL LIFE – Daily life needs to have a little chill time. Yes, this means everyday you need to make a little time for yourself. Whether you want to head to the spa for a fabulous Bella Body massage or chill in the pool, find something that slows your mind and clears your thinking. A great app for teaching us to relax is called Buddhify. It is mindful and it gives us modern options for wherever we might be…like if you can’t sleep.
  • ROLLED OATS/CEREALS – Good grains as we call them at Bella Reina are rolled oats that are Gluten Free. Some of the best pancakes and one of the easiest overnight oatmeal recipes ever. Both we give you in celebration of World Health Day.
    • Overnight Rolled Oats in a Mason Jar
      • Get 4 jars and place in each jar the following
        • 1/4 cup rolled oats (gluten-free)
        • 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
        • 1/4 cup almond, coconut, or cashew milk or coconut water
        • 1/8 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
        • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds or coconut
        • 1/4 cup of fruit like orange slices or strawberry slices or blueberries
        • 1 teaspoon of flax seed
      • Put all ingredients into the jars in the order listed. Put the lid on and shake the jar. Put in refrigerator overnight. Makes a great breakfast or snack.
    • Rolled Oats Pancakes
      • Get creative, because you will be eating great pancakes!
        • 1/2 cup eggs or egg whites if you prefer
        • 1/4 cup rolled oats (gluten-free)
        • 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
        • 1/2 scoop of vanilla or plain protein powder. We are partial to Sun Warrior Vegan protein.
      • Mix all of the ingredients together. Heat coconut oil or olive oil in a frying pan. Use a large tablespoon and drop slowly into a warm pan. Let the pancake start to show air bubbles and flip to the other side. Serve with PB Fit peanut butter sauce or fresh blueberries for fabulous pancakes. Another healthy option is agave syrup.

Celebrate World Health Day starting with you! Let us know what you did today to get your life a little healthier, a little happier, a little better! #bellareina

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