Where to Buy Skin Script Skin Care? How do I Make Sure I’m Getting the Real Thing?

Bella Reina Spa is an approved Skin Script stockist. Our licensed estheticians have been trained to help you find the right products for your skin type, and skin concerns.

Imagine waiting excitedly for your package to arrive with your new Skin Script products, only to find out that they’re not the real thing! That’s why when you buy Skin Script, it’s important to buy products from a trusted source, to make sure that you’re buying the real thing, especially when shopping online! Skin Script is a professional skincare line, so trust us, it’s important to know what you’re buying, and who you’re buying it from.

Where Can I Buy Skin Script Products?

You can buy Skin Script products through spas, or estheticians. At Bella Reina Spa, we have been carrying Skin Script at the spa, and in our online shop since 2017.

How to Start a Skin Script Skincare Routine?

Starting a new skincare routine can be so confusing! How do you know if you have combination skin or dry skin? How do you know what skin type you have? Or the ingredients needed for your skin to look its best? Well, we got you covered! At Bella Reina Spa, you can schedule a free consultation with our licensed estheticians to get started with Skin Script.

Do I need a Prescription to Buy Skin Script?

While Skin Script is a clinical grade, and a professional skincare line, (this just means it’s stronger than over-the-counter products), you don’t need a prescription to purchase Skin Script products. However, we do recommend consulting with an esthetician, to ensure you are not wasting your money, and actually buying the right products for your skin type.

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