Cheers for Healthy New Year’s Resolutions [5 Ways]

Trying to set your healthy New Year’s Resolutions for 2017? Give us a second to see if we can provide a few insights into the goals you are setting for yourself. Most of the time the goals set are a little too lofty. So we tried to simplify it this year. And simple it is. These are “you can do it” easy and there are only 5 (FIVE).

Plus, we tried to make them not all about us. If in a year, we can give to others, do for others while also making sure we are okay, then it may be a great resolution! What do you think?

Okay, give it the disco ball clatter for healthy New Year’s Resolutions. Save the applause, because these goals must complete you (our guest and client). It’s one thing to lose weight, get a great blood pressure reading or to kick Type II Diabetes in the butt. It’s a whole other ball of Cirepil Hard Wax (yes, we love it), to make someone’s day or create laughter.

So where do we begin? Let’s start with the list. Forget the clatter!

5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

1. Get Healthy. New Lifestyle. This resolution is usually the first one on the list. Getting “healthy” requires not only a so-called diet, it requires a “lifestyle” change. Yes, this means eating to live, not living to eat. Need a program that puts you into a lifestyle?

Try the Metabolic Method from my friend Lydia Martinez. She knows more about nutrition and losing weight than anyone I know. And if you follow her methodology, you will lose weight forever. What does healthy mean to you? Does it mean dancing at your granddaughter’s wedding? Does it mean walking without breathing hard? Everyone is different, you know your body. Listen, learn and just do it!

2. Take Care of Me First. Part of living healthy New Year’s Resolutions is putting yourself (yes YOU) first. We come into the world alone and we leave that way. You cannot take care of anyone or anything if you don’t take care of YOU first. I’m as guilty as the next person on this one. And this will be my hardest resolution for 2017.

If I don’t take care of me first, guest what happens?  Think of a long line of dominos, they will tumble. Yes, take time for working out,take time for sleeping, and take time to meditate. Take time for you. It’s all part of every cell in our body. It’s not about necessarily getting a facial or a massage, but it starts with looking in the mirror and taking stock. What can I do to better take care of ME? What are things I enjoy? What would make me happy?

What Makes YOU HAPPY?

3. Give Back. Pay it Forward. People always think that healthy is just about the body and the mind. One healthy New Year’s Resolutions is to give back to others. Doing for someone else gives you immense satisfaction. (not to be bragged about). Find a charity, a group, or simply a school class. Take your skills and pay it forward. If you know how to sew or read, share your talents. There are charities, schools and children that need not just money, they need you and your time.

4. Create Laughter. Ever walk into a room and hear belly laughing? It’s super contagious. We have a wonderful client who’s laugh is infectious. You cannot help smiling when you are around her. I commented a couple of weeks ago about her laugh and how wonderful it is. She replied that she had been told it was obnoxious. Whomever told her that was either very jealous or too caught up in misery to smile.

Laughter can put light into darkness in any room. No matter what language you speak, laughter is universal.

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions Can Make Someone’s Day

5. Be a Daymaker. There is a great author in the wellness community. His name is David Wagner and he wrote a great book. Life as a Daymaker. How to change someone’s life by simply making someone’s day. So how bad could your day be if you woke up with that as your intention every day. To make someone else’s day. To create such a fabulous experience that you can actually transform a person’s whole day?

We are lucky in the spa business, because we have the opportunity to do that every day. We have a client going through a terrible time (divorce, cheating husband, etc.). She came in and left a different person. You don’t have to go to a spa or work at a spa to be a daymaker. Anyone can do it? (even the dreaded IRS or my insurance company). If they thought about making someone else’s day better, wouldn’t the world be a better and healthier place?

So how will 2017 be for you? Try our 5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions! Let us know if you need a little push around January 17, 2017. (it’s a very special day)

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