
Hurricane Effects Include Muscle Aches and More!

Last week’s hurricane effects could be felt more in our bodies and minds, than in property damage. If you were anything like us, our week went something like this. We were so lucky here in Delray Beach, but it didn’t mean we were not affected. We felt the effects in our muscles, in our stress levels and in our anxiety. Below is a brief synopsis of last week. Keep reading, because we have a special $10 gift for you!

Tuesday, October 3rd: The loom of the hurricane is a little more unsettling as it is headed to the Bahamas. Gas lines start forming and grocery stores started seeing the supplies of water and food diminish.

Wednesday, October 4th: Our day started off with our monthly spa training meeting, followed by the phone ringing to cancel appointments. The Bella team then started securing the spa, before heading to our homes. I moved, cooked, shopped and secured anything and everything. (Hercules) The tip of the hurricane effects was just beginning to be felt.

Thursday, October 5th: The day started off with anticipation that the storm would hit. Don’t know about you, but my muscles were killing me. My back ached from moving outdoor furniture, giant plants and anything else that could fly from the yard. Then the anxiety of tracking the storm started. Between the stress, anxiety and the muscles, my body felt like a rock. As the day wore on and we realized that the storm would be minimal, the stress of the storm turned to tears of relief that we had been spared.

Friday, October 6th: Waking up to minimal damage, the day started with putting the house, the spa and our lives back in order. Talking with clients on the phone, I heard not only relief, but this story kept being repeated. On Friday, they could not move the things that they had moved on Wednesday. The same conversation was repeated by over 5 different clients. How could we have the enormous strength to move large objects and then not be able to budge the same ones on Friday??

Then my next hurricane effects were the thoughts of concern for my family and friends still in the path of Hurricane Matthew. Safe as we were, the anxiety for them still weighed upon my mind. They were flooding, the surge was going to be huge and the damage extensive.

The hurricane effects could be felt from head to toe. Every muscle ached, the back hurt, arms were wobbly, and the lack of sleep for two days combined with the heightened anxiety created a bone-tired feeling. Don’t know about you, but when I was out and about on Friday, drivers actually seemed angry instead of relief. All that anxiety was being turned into anger.

I guess that is all part of the same hurricane effects. That is why this week, we are giving you a $10 Hurricane Relief Gift Certificate towards our Pumpkin Scrub Massage. From hurricane anxiety to a 60-minute pumpkin journey. Take a minute this week to give your body a break from last weeks hurricane effects.  Call the spa at 561-404-7670 for your much-needed appointment. (Offer ends Saturday, October 15th, 2016)

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