Getting rid of oily skin naturally is every oily skin person’s dream. Oily skin is a menace that is dreaded by a number of women and men too. It has the habit of ruining up makeup even before the end of the day. It makes you appear shiny like a bright sheen in photographs. Though there are a number of remedies for ending this kind of a problem, the natural methods remain to be the best and the safest. If you are a victim of oily skin, read the following tips and learn how to get rid of oily skin naturally.
How to Get Rid of Oily Skin Naturally
Tip #1:
Proper washing of the skin with the right cleanser
The amount of oil in your skin can increase because of two major reasons: either you wash your face too frequently or you don’t wash it enough. Frequent washing causes the skin to dry out thus forcing the body to produce more oil. The outer layer of the skin needs to feel moist and sometimes harsh cleansers strip off too much oil. Lack of washing will also cause the oils to build up and clog the pores. You, therefore, need to find a balance in washing your face, so that you neither under wash nor over wash it. While doing so, use the recommended facial soaps for oily skins, like a gel cleanser. These cleansers used with warm water will help break down the oil from the skin’s surface.
Tip #2:
Natural toners
Toners are a great remedy to oily skins because they remove debris from the pores. Toners also remove any excess oils that may be present on the skin surface. Some of the preferred natural toners are a tea tree toner or a green tea toner. These can be prepared by brewing a strong concoction of the teas at home then applying them to your face after cleansing. This is a great do-it-yourself way to tone the skin.
Tip #3:
Keep your skin from oily substances
Ensuring that you keep your face free from substances that can add too much oil will also help you get rid of oily skin naturally. Simple practices such as avoiding the contact between your hair and your face will greatly reduce the additional oils. Blotting your face when you feel that there is a buildup of oil and washing your pillow cases regularly will also help to ensure that your face does not accumulate a lot of oils and impurities.
More on oily skin is that oil removes oil. This is really true. Oily sebum in your pores can be dissolved with jojoba oil, so don’t be too anti-oil, because your skin needs this oil for good skin health.
Visit us at Bella Reina Spa for more tips and skin care advice.