Colloidal Silver Gel | Why is the FDA Looking at it?

Some History

Enter theUnited States Food and Drug Administration. In 1999 they launched a binding agency ruling for all drugs available over-the-counter containing colloidal silver.  But what is colloidal silver? Silver suspension in a liquid. Current medical use of restricts silver to its antibiotic properties. Is colloidal silver good for everybody? Silver’s chemical properties appear to solve a variety of illnesses.

Some claims, however, regarding the product, sounded too farfetched for the FDA’s standards. Indeed, one case of advertisement of the drug in the late 1990s told that colloidal silver has been discovered to treat a whopping 650 different diseases. Such outlandish claims, indeed, caught the attention of the FDA.


A recently-released product, ASAP365 Silver Gel from the American Biotech Labs (ABL), appears to be vying to change that image, and the product, as a whole. Using the latest technology available at their labs’, ABL appears to have repackaged the colloidal silver pill into a more soft-like gel. Instead of unrefined silver, its place with a “nano-silver” solution created through their patented SilverSol technology, making the active substance more stable and therefore more bioavailable.

Colloidal silver, may or may not contain more risk than health benefits. There are accounts of people suffering from debilitating as well as aesthetic side effects. The most popular of these is the development of argyria. This is being in contact to inappropriately high levels of silver. What happens is that the skin literally turns grey or bluish-grey.  Further adding to bad name and reputation.


Even the official drug guidebooks no longer list these substances. Whether or not this will change in the future, however, remains to be seen.  The product ASAP365 Silver Gel from ABL appears to be closing the gap with a patented process of creating the gel.

Bella Reina Spa

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