The Bella Scoop | Tinted Brow Gel versus Brow Tint

Being on both sides of the beauty fence allows us to really evaluate whether tinted brow gel is better or a professional brow tint. Any way you look at it, tinting your eyebrows is a beauty must. It simply makes a person go from so-so, to WOW in seconds. There is something about having the right eyebrow shape and color that gives your face a put-together look. With even a natural makeup look, tinting brows or using a tinted brow gel is a must.

How do you know which one is right for you? Is it better to go with a pro or apply a brow gel every day at home as part of your makeup routine?
Or is it better to do both?

Brow Tint

Tinting your eyebrows is best done at a spa or salon as a semi-permanent cosmetic treatment. The esthetician uses a vegetable-based dye mixed with a developer.  The color is selected and mixed for each person individually so that it best matches your skin tone, hair and eye color. The dye is applied to each hair individually with a small brush. Depending on each individual, the tint will take time to develop. Once the color is set, the excess is removed with water. Care is taken not to apply any to the skin, but if it does get on the skin, it removes easily with facial cleanser. The cost of having your brows tinted professionally ranges from $15-$30 depending on your location.

Some frequently asked questions about tinting your brows.

How Long Does Brow Tinting Last?

It lasts about 4-6 weeks. The more active you are, the faster the dye will gradually disappear. Those who swim a great deal and are outdoors tend to have to go more often to the spa to have the treatment.

Do I still need a Brow Gel?

Absolutely, yes. A clear brow gel helps to hold the brows in place. Some still prefer to use a tinted brow gel, but it’s up to you. The brow gel lifts the eyebrow hair allowing you to create even fuller brows and setting them in place. Using a brow gel if it contains biotin and panthenol can also help the condition and strengthen the brows.

Tinted Brow Gel

One of the best inventions in cosmetics ever is the tinted brow gel. For less than the price of a monthly brow tint, you can give the brow the illusion of fullness and definition. It is one of those instant beauty solutions that makes you look fabulous in seconds. Most tinted brow gels have not only color, but they also are formulated to hold the brows in place.

Benefits of Tinted Brow Gel

  • Exaggerate the Arch of the Brow – With the addition of the color, the tinted gel allows you to skillfully exaggerate the arch of the brow. Because the brow tint mascara uses a wand similar to a mascara brush, you have precise control over the application.
  • Lifts the Eye Area – You can create a lifting effect and by lifting the eyebrows, it opens the eyes up.
  • Hides Any Flaws  – By filling in the shape of the brows, it hides any flaws in your brows. The continuous brow shape stays all day, unlike brow powder.

So what is a #bellaglam girl to do? Get a brow tint professionally or use a tinted brow gel?  The Bella Beauty Advisers opt for both as it balances out the shape of the face, it lifts the eyes and gives you an overall put-together look.

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